Map marker coordinates are supplied by the schools. They have not been verified, and may be inacccurate or outdated.
* Active From and To dates don't necessarily mean that a school opened or closed on those dates. Schools are allocated a new Reference Number when they change status in any way, for example when a local authority school converts to an academy or when schools are combined or merged.
Linked Entries
Further Information
Inspected on 21/09/2022
Rating published on 27/11/2022
Overall effectiveness: Inadequate
Quality of education: Requires Improvement
Behaviour and attitudes: Inadequate
Personal development: Good
Effectiveness of leadership and management: Inadequate
Sixth form provision: Requires Improvement
Information on this page is sumarised from two sources: EduBase, which is the government database of schools in England and Wales, and Ofsted, which is responsible for inspecting schools and educational establishments in England. You can view the full, unedited data from these providers below. Ofsted data will only be available for currently active registrations and recently closed registrations.
Unique Reference Number | 149635 |
Local Authority Code | 336 |
Local Authority Name | Wolverhampton |
Establishment Number | 4011 |
School / College Name | Smestow Academy |
Establishment Type Code | 34 |
Establishment type | Academy converter |
Establishment Type Group Code | 10 |
Establishment Type Group | Academies |
Establishment Status Code | 1 |
Establishment status | Open |
Reason Establishment Opened Code | 04 |
Reason establishment opened | Fresh Start |
Open date | 01-01-2023 |
Reason Establishment Closed Code | 99 |
Reason establishment closed | |
Close date | |
Phase Of Education Code | 4 |
Phase of education | Secondary |
Age range Low | 11 |
Age range High | 18 |
Boarders Code | 1 |
Boarders | No boarders |
Nursery provision | No Nursery Classes |
Official Sixth Form Code | 1 |
Official sixth form | Has a sixth form |
Gender Code | 3 |
Gender of entry | Mixed |
Religious Character Code | 06 |
Religious character | None |
Religious ethos | Does not apply |
Diocese Code | 9999 |
Diocese | |
Admissions Policy Code | 9 |
Admissons policy | |
School capacity | 1,010 |
Special Classes Code | 0 |
Special classes | Not applicable |
Census Date | 18-01-2024 |
Number of Pupils | 614 |
Number of Boys | 289 |
Number of Girls | 325 |
Percentage Free School Meals | 47.80 |
Trust School Flag Code | 3 |
Trust School Flag | Supported by a multi-academy trust |
Trusts Code | 3878 |
Academy trust or Trust | MATRIX ACADEMY TRUST |
School Sponsor Flag | Linked to a sponsor |
Academy sponsor | Matrix Academy Trust |
Federation Flag | Not applicable |
Federations Code | |
Federation | |
UKPRN | 10091999 |
FEHE Identifier | |
Further education type | |
Last Changed Date | 27-01-2025 |
Street | Windmill Crescent |
Locality | |
Address3 | |
Town | Wolverhampton |
County (name) | |
Postcode | WV3 8HU |
Website | |
Telephone | 01902539500 |
Headteacher/Principal title | Mr |
Headteacher/Principal first name | Ian |
Headteacher/Principal last name | Chamberlain |
Headteacher/Principal Job Title | |
BSO Inspectorate Name | Not applicable |
Inspectorate Report | |
Date of Last Inspection Visit | |
Next Inspection Visit | |
Teenage mothers provision | Not applicable |
Teenage mothers capacity | |
Childcare facilities provision | |
SEN facilities | Not applicable |
Pupils with EBD | Not applicable |
Number of places | |
Full time provision | |
Pupils educated by other providers | |
Section 41 approved | Not applicable |
SEN provision | |
Type of resourced provision | |
Resourced provision number on roll | |
Resourced provision capacity | |
SEN unit number on roll | |
SEN unit capacity | |
Government Office Region Code | F |
Government Office Region | West Midlands |
District Code | E08000031 |
District | Wolverhampton |
Ward Code | E05014855 |
Ward | Tettenhall Wightwick |
Parliamentary Constituency Code | E14001596 |
Parliamentary Constituency | Wolverhampton West |
Urban/Rural Code | A1 |
Urban/Rural Description | (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation |
GSS LA Code | E08000031 |
Easting | 387561 |
Northing | 298165 |
Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) | Wolverhampton 019 |
Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) | Wolverhampton 019D |
Inspectorate Name | |
Number of special pupils under a special educational needs (SEN) statement/education, health and care (EHC) plan | |
Number of special pupils not under a special educational needs (SEN) statement/education, health and care (EHC) plan | |
Boarding Establishment | |
Proprietor's Name | |
Previous Local Authority Code | 999 |
Previous local authority | |
Previous establishment number | |
Country | United Kingdom |
UPRN | 100071406649 |
Site Name | |
QAB Code | 0 |
QAB Name | Not applicable |
Establishment Accredited Code | 0 |
Establishment Accredited | Not applicable |
QAB Report | |
CH Number | |
MSOA Code | E02002167 |
LSOA Code | E01010552 |
Free School Meals | 271 |
Accreditation Expiry Date |
URN | 149635 |
Web Link | |
LAESTAB | 3364011 |
School name | Smestow Academy |
Ofsted phase | Secondary |
Type of education | Academy Converter |
School open date | 01/01/2023 |
Admissions policy | Unknown |
Sixth form | Has a sixth form |
Designated religious character | None |
Religious ethos | Does not apply |
Faith grouping | Non-faith |
Ofsted region | West Midlands |
Region | West Midlands |
Local authority | Wolverhampton |
Parliamentary constituency | Wolverhampton West |
Multi-academy trust UID | 3878 |
Multi-academy trust name | MATRIX ACADEMY TRUST |
Academy sponsor UID | 3877 |
Academy sponsor name | Matrix Academy Trust |
Postcode | WV3 8HU |
Number of warning notices issued in 2023/24 academic year | N/A |
The income deprivation affecting children index (IDACI) quintile | 4 |
Total number of pupils | 614 |
Statutory lowest age | 11 |
Statutory highest age | 18 |
Latest ungraded inspection number since last graded inspection | N/A |
Does the ungraded inspection relate to the URN of the current school? | N/A |
URN at time of the ungraded inspection | N/A |
LAESTAB at time of the ungraded inspection | N/A |
School name at time of the ungraded inspection | N/A |
School type at time of the ungraded inspection | N/A |
Number of ungraded inspections since the last graded inspection | N/A |
Date of latest ungraded inspection | N/A |
Ungraded inspection publication date | N/A |
Did the latest ungraded inspection convert to a graded inspection? | N/A |
Ungraded inspection overall outcome | N/A |
Number of monitoring and urgent inspections since last graded inspection | N/A |
Inspection number of latest graded inspection | 10245114 |
Inspection type | Requires Improvement S5 Reinspection Visit 2 |
Inspection type grouping | Requires Improvement S5 Reinspection Visit 2 |
Event type grouping | Schools - S5 |
Inspection start date | 21/09/2022 |
Publication date | 27/11/2022 |
Does the latest graded inspection relate to the URN of the current school? | No |
URN at time of latest graded inspection | 140586 |
LAESTAB at time of latest graded inspection | 3364117 |
School name at time of latest graded inspection | Smestow School |
School type at time of latest graded inspection | Academy Converter |
Current school type used for chart C6 | Academy Converter |
Overall effectiveness | Inadequate |
Category of concern | SWK |
Quality of education | Requires Improvement |
Behaviour and attitudes | Inadequate |
Personal development | Good |
Effectiveness of leadership and management | Inadequate |
Safeguarding is effective? | No |
Early years provision | N/A |
Sixth form provision | Requires Improvement |
Previous inspection number | 10058490 |
Previous inspection start date | 15/05/2019 |
Previous publication date | 20/06/2019 |
Does the previous graded inspection relate to the URN of the current school? | No |
URN at time of previous graded inspection | 140586 |
LAESTAB at time of previous graded inspection | 3364117 |
School name at time of previous graded inspection | Smestow School |
School type at time of previous graded inspection | Academy Converter |
Previous graded inspection overall effectiveness | 3 |
Previous category of concern | N/A |
Previous quality of education | N/A |
Previous behaviour and attitudes | N/A |
Previous personal development | N/A |
Previous effectiveness of leadership and management | Requires Improvement |
Previous safeguarding is effective? | Yes |
Previous early years provision | N/A |
Previous sixth form provision | Requires Improvement |